Corporate Social Responsibility - Yogayatan Jankalyan Trust
Yogayatan Jankalyan Trust was formed to carry out the following responsibilities:
- Funding higher education for deserving students belonging to the middle and lower income groups.
- Meeting hospitalization and other expenses.
- Making donations for chronic ailments.
The Yogayatan Jankalyan Trust and Young Bhartiya Foundation over the past 11years has been distributing free note books, biscuits and milk to approximately 4000 underprivileged children from various slums.
This year too, the trust organised its 15th mega event at YB Chavan Auditorium on 9 th June 2019 for the underprivileged children. It was a motivational and inspiring event for the children.
It was graced by Shri. Sanjay Barve Ji ( Mumbai police commissionar), Shri Bhushan Gagrani IAS ( principal secretay to CM )and Shri. Quaiser Khalid ji IG Police along with trustee Dr. Rajendra Pratap Singh and Sheela Singh.
Proper pick – up and drop facilities were made available to the children and their parents to and from the venue. Also, adequate security arrangement was provided in the auditorium.
The event was a huge success and the Trust wishes to undertake similar activities in future.
You can download and read our CSR Policy.